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2016 IEEE International CQR Workshop
May 10-12, 2016
Skamania Lodge
Stevenson, WA, USA

The IEEE CQR International Workshop is held annually with the purpose of bringing together industry and academic experts to present and discuss communications quality, reliability and security issues as they relate to real world issues. The output from the workshops adds to the community's body of knowledge and serves to inform, help form opinion, and to assist in the development of best practice and relevant standards. 

Continuing the tradition of this series of workshops, CQR 2016 will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the areas listed below.

You are invited to submit a paper related to various aspects of QoS and Reliability for the following networks/services, but are not limited to:
Grid and Distributed Cloud Computing
Software Defined Networks
Data Center Networks
Information-centric Networks
Vehicular Networks
Cognitive Radio Networks
Delay Tolerant Networks
Mobile and Ad Hoc Networks
Overlay Networks
Multimedia Networks and VoIP Services
VPN, MPLS and Multicast Services
Multi-sensory Communications
Current and Next-generation Internet
Emerging Technologies and Services
The topics of interest include:
Measurements Techniques
Network Architecture and Design
Network Security
Network Survivability
Operations, Administration and Maintenance
QoS Metrics and Measurement
QoS Policy and Assessment
QoE Assessment and Management
Resource Allocation and Management
Security and Reliability Issues
Scheduling and Buffer Management
Traffic Control
Traffic Modeling and Characterization
For additional information on this CFP, please contact Technical Program Co-Chairs.

Please note that, CQR 2016 has two programs: Technical and Strategic. This Call For Paper covers the Technical Program only. For more information on the Strategic Program, please visit the CQR2016 website or contact the General Program Co-Chairs.
Paper Submission Guidelines
Papers should describe original work, and be 4-6 two-column, single-spaced pages, and formatted according to the IEEE manuscript template for conference proceedings.  Paper submission must be made via EDAS
Papers accepted for CQR 2016 will be included in the Workshop Proceedings, and submitted to IEEE Xplore, and EI Index. IEEE reserves the right to exclude any paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore proceedings) if the paper is not presented at the conference by one of its authors. Papers that are removed from IEEE Xplore will not be available through the EI Index.

Key Dates
Feb. 12, 2016      Paper submission deadline (extendeded
Mar. 14, 2016     Notification of acceptance to authors
Mar. 28, 2016   Camera-ready paper and registration
May 10-12, 2016  CQR2016 Workshop

Workshop Venue
Skamania Lodge
1131 Skamania Lodge Way, Stevenson
Washington, 98648 USA

C Q R Officers (2014-2015)
Chair: Hideaki Yoshino, Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan
Chair-Elect: Scott Poretsky, Allot Communications, USA
Vice Chair – Operations: Tetsuya Yokotani, Mitsubishi Electric Co., Japan
Vice Chair – Publications: Wei-Der Yu, San Jose State Univ., USA
Secretary: Michael P. Ryan, Verizon Wireless, USA
Treasurer: Kevin Krantz, Ericsson, USA
Advisory Board Chair: Kelly Krick, Ericsson, USA
Advisory Board Members:
Hiromi Ueda, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Chi-Ming Chen, AT&T Labs, USA
Kenichi Mase, Niigata University, Japan
Karl Rauscher, USA
Koichi Asatani, Kogakuin University, Japan
Ray Bonelli, Consultant, USA
CQR Technical Committee Home Page:  


Feb. 12, 2016 (Extended)
Paper submission deadline

Mar. 14, 2016
Notification of acceptance to authors

Mar. 28, 2016
Camera-ready paper and registration

Apr. 29, 2016
Deadline for industry talks presentations

May 9-12, 2016
CQR Workshop
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